Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cherries or Plums?

Despite how much they look like cherries the fruit in this photo are actually plums! We have found several plum trees growing in our back paddock! A couple have ripened to red and others have ripened to yellow. If anyone could tell us what type of plums these are that would be great!

Plums picked from the trees in our back paddock
  We have soooo many! Some friends have picked bucket loads and there are still more to pick! I've stewed some for dessert tonight! Beautiful! I didn't over sugar them as I love the slightly sour flavour. I think this weekend I'll pull out the preserving kit that my mother-in-law has lent me and see if I can successfully preserve some!
Stewed plums, yum!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Some friends took a photo of our property from a helicopter! It shows that we really are surrounded on three sides by water! To think that 6 months ago there was no water there, only dry scrub!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The vege patch

We have started on the vege patch that we have been planning for months! We settled on the site right outside the chicken house which has now been renamed to the parliament! Today we marked it all out and planned where the watering system will go. There will be 4 beds 1m wide and 8-9m long and 4 additional 1.5m square beds for herbs and strawberries. In the middle of the area there are some really large unmovable rocks which we are thinking of making a feature, perhaps with something like pumpkins or another climbing fruit or vege plant growing over them. Progress so far...
Also Gedalyn ate lucernechaff from my hands this morning! :)